Pass Plus training course

The Pass Plus course is considered "further education" for newly qualified drivers, providing additional tuition and driving experience for new motorists. The course is entirely optional, though comes highly recommended by the vast majority of road safety authorities. Can only be taken after successfully passing your driving test in manual or automatic. After which, the course takes place by way of three two-hour driving lessons usually over three separate days. More official information about this topic can be found at site here.

It will give you extra valuable experience not just to improve driving but to save money on you car insurance too.
It was first introduced in February 1995 and since then over 1000 new drivers each month have taken training nationwide.

Pass Plus driving instructor

Pass plus consists of six modules:

  • All-weather driving
  • Night driving
  • Town/City driving
  • Dual Carriage-way driving
  • Motorway driving
  • Driving on rural/country roads
Pass Plus certificate

What's the Benefit of Pass Plus?

It is designed to improve new motorists with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to drive as safely as possible on public roads. However, a valid certificate can also possibly result in discounts of up to 25% off subsequent car insurance premiums. This can amount can affect to significant savings for younger motorists in particular.

Which Insurers Recognize it?

Dozens of leading insurers recognize and as result offer discounts accordingly. Please ask insurance company when calling for a quote. We would happily load a list of insurance companies accepting pass plus but they change often their T&C and we wouldn't like to provide misleading information.

Can you fail?

No, you can’t fail, the course is an assessment and not a test but to get the certificate you need to reach a certain standard;

  • When you’ve finished the course, your instructor will write up an assessment of your driving.

Each module must be completed to an achieved or exceeded standard.